
Back Up & Security

It’s a startling fact that more than two thirds of companies who lose their IT systems to fire, fraud or disaster eventually collapse and go out of business forever. Which, when you consider it, is about as terrifying as sharing a lift with a fire-breathing Godzilla. Or Bill Gates, come to that.

Equally, the threat of viruses and malicious software, network intrusion, eavesdropping, line tapping and sniffing (yes, sniffing! We didn’t name it!) careless employees and users are all threats to the security and health of your IT system.

And we’re afraid that they are not going to go away. They are the usual suspects in any average office line-up of virtual bogeymen and disasters waiting to happen. And they could quite easily mean curtains for even the healthiest of businesses.

So that’s how important it is that you have the best possible back-up for your IT systems. How imperative it is to be properly covered. And being properly covered usually means retaining data offsite and remotely from your business premises.

Back Up & Security

Needless to say, if you’re an upwardly mobile SME in Birmingham you’ll know the IT Support industry here has more than its fair share of rogues, pirates, scallywags and general ne’er-do-wells.

The complexity of Information Technology means that many organisations are left vulnerable by the underhand techniques so often employed to empty their company coffers.

So getting the right kind of protection and at the right level for your organisation means getting in experts you can trust. It means getting in The ICT Practice and enjoying a peace of mind that will make you the envy of your peers and allow your business to forge ahead, confident that all is well with your systems security.

Our engineers utilise and constantly update multiple state of the art systems, from ANTI-VIRAL SOFTWARE, FIREWALLS, SERVER SECURITY, DISASTER RECOVERY and much else to give you that peace of mind and will be delighted to explain and guide your organisation to the security that will allow it to thrive.

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